About Partial Lifting (Mini Lifting)

Dr. Jorge Esbry
Dr. Jorge Esbry

About Partial Lifting (Mini Lifting)

Indications: When only the lower half the face is treated. This is a procedure used in cases of incipient wrinkles, usually in younger patients who want to overcome the ageing process, but do not need a complete lifting. The lower part of the cheeks is lifted, thus improving the facial contour. This can also be done in conjunction with an elevation of the tail of the brows. If the patient so wishes, a resurfacing with Co2 Laser can be carried out at the same time.

Procedure: Undermining of the skin of the cheeks with traction towards the ears tightened in order to lengthen the duration of the results. Resurfacing can be peri-oral, peri-orbital, or off the forehead.

Scars: Scars are located either in front of, or inside, the ear, with a slight continuation behind it. The resurfaced area acquires a pink pigmentation that lasts for 3 to 4 months.

Sutures: Sutures are removed 7 to 10 days after the operation or, in some cases, they are self-disolving.

Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia with oor without previous sedation, depending on the patient’s emotional state. In either case hospitalisation is not necessary and the patient can return home after the operation.

Recovery: Being a less aggressive procedure than a total lifting, recovery time is shorter and can vary from 5 to 8 days, extending to 10 if there has been resurfacing.
