A very important issue in the medical world is RECERTIFICATION.
This procedure of strict compliance in the Anglo-Saxon world and some Latin American countries, Argentina among them, aims to periodically supervise the suitability or continuing education of doctors, thus ensuring that the provision they provide and therefore the care that their patients receive, is the appropriate one.
This periodic and necessary procedure must be supervised exclusively by the medical authorities, and not by state agencies outside the profession, since only a doctor can evaluate the activity of another doctor and this evaluator is subject to the relevant medical organizations such as the WTO, Medical Colleges, etc.
The Ministry of Health and Environment, in the case of Spain, should be the guarantor of this process and lay the foundations on which it should be carried out, but not be the executing arm of it.
Recertification must be carried out by every doctor who practices medicine, whether in the private or state sphere, and must adhere to strict regulations agreed upon and supervised by them, to determine transparency and fairness.
In my view, in Spain the “non-compulsory, nor universal enrollment” should not fall on the Medical Colleges as is usually done, but on the Ministry of Health, who in this way would also guarantee the Recertification process.
Enrollment should be universal; Every doctor who practices medicine, whether in the state or private sphere, should be registered, that is: “Authorized to practice medicine” and this registration should be free and for the purposes of control by the State and not in the possession of the colleges Regional doctors for which it is necessary to “register and pay an annual fee for it”.
In this way, the “registration” would help the doctor to practice throughout the country without the need to be “registered” in each Medical College where he needs to practice. It would also serve to carry out a strict census of the doctors who practice the profession, their demographic distribution and the real needs of the system.