Presentation about “Threads Lift” at the Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr. Jorge Esbry
Dr. Jorge Esbry

Presentation about “Threads Lift” at the Institute of Medical Sciences

Last Thursday May 12, Dr. Esbry gave the presentation about “Threads Lift” in an event held at the Institute of Medical Sciences of Alicante.

This presentation was the first of a circuit of conferences related to cosmetic medicine whose aim is to bring patients to the aesthetic sector, solve all doubts and strengthen the bonds of trust with ICM center specialist.

The event started at 19:00, with the presentation of Dr. Luis de Teresa Parreno, manager of the forefront clinic.

The lecture consisted of 2 parts. The technical part was dictated by Beatriz Belenguer, senior technician in Integral Aesthetics and Oncology, backed by extensive training and over 15 years of professional experience.

The medical part was dictated by Dr. Jorge Esbry, aesthetic surgeon in London with more than 35 years of experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery who has held management positions in various hospitals located in countries such as Argentina, United States, Spain and UK where he has been perfecting their operating techniques and evolving in his profession.

The extensive experience of these specialists, instruments and cutting-edge techniques with high levels of safety and accuracy bring the best results to the patient.

During the talk they solved all the questions asked by the audience.
