Complete Facial Lifting: Procedure, scars, sutures, recovery

Dr. Jorge Esbry
Dr. Jorge Esbry

Complete Facial Lifting: Procedure, scars, sutures, recovery

It is an important aspect of aesthetic surgery procedures. Facial lifting is indicated in people who have lost the elasticity of the skin of the face, with the consequent formation of wrinkles, deep furrows, hanging of the chin line, formation of bags under eyes, collapse of the skin of the superior eyelids, etc.

Facial lifting can be: COMPLETE FACIAL LIFTING

Indications: When a patient needs surgical restauration of the whole face, it is necesary to proceed to surgical resection of the skin of the superior and inferior eyelids, as well as surgical resection of the fat contained in the bags of the superior and inferior lids.

The same procedure is applicable when treating the wrinkles of the neck, and the elevation of the tail of the eyebrows. These procedures may call for the necessity of a partial resurfacing of the peri-oral or peri-orbital areas, respectively.

Procedure: In order to carry out the above mentioned procedures, it is necessary to undermine the entire skin of the face, for its elevation and traction up and behind, and resection of the redundant skin. Internally it is possible to proceed to the tightening of deeper tissues in order to obtain a firmer result. The resurfacing is carried out with CO2 Laser, which eliminates the finer wrinkles that surgery cannot reach.

Scars: The resulting scars are located in such places that they are practically unnoticeable. The most visible scars is located in front of the ear and, in some cases, inside it.

Sutures: Sutures are removed within 7 to 10 days after the operation or, in some cases, they are self-disolving.

Anaesthesia: In general it is local anaesthesia, following sedation. In most cases the patient can return home after a short period of rest (2 to 3 hours). If necesary it can be done under general anesthesia.

Recovery: This varies from individual to individual but, in general, the post-operatory inflammation and haematomas last from 10 to 15 days. In cases of resurfacing, the patient will need to take additional precautions such as the use of creams, sun protectors, etc.
