Plastic Surgery vs Aesthetic Surgery

Dr. Jorge Esbry
Dr. Jorge Esbry

Plastic Surgery vs Aesthetic Surgery

Plastic Surgery is the branch of surgery in charge of the repair of certain shapes and functions of the body, that have been lost, or hindered, for whatever reason. In this sense it is, in many cases, surgery “of necessity”.

Aesthetic Surgery is the branch of plasctic surgery in charge of maintaining parameters of beauty of the body. It is, therefore, optative surgery and not “of necessity”. Aesthetic surgery has developped as a result of the constant competitiveness in a society that values the parameters of “Beauty” to a supreme degree. This term, mentioned previously, does not have an exact definition. One could say that they are “those cultural characters of harmony that make something pleasantly visible”. This valuation makes many people lose their self-esteem, when not beig able to attain their own ideal of beauty, and make use of aesthetic surgery in order to reach it. Thus, aesthetic surgery brings self-esteem, and helps the individual to feel more at ease in society.

To explain the difference I’ll start by defining plastic surgery. The term “plastic” in plastic surgery is derived from the Greek word “plastikos,” which means to mold or shape. There are several specialized fields under plastic surgery including reconstructive surgery which involves the restoration of almost any body part that is abnormal due to a trauma/accident, cancer or birth defect; and aesthetic surgery, (sometimes referred to as cosmetic surgery), which is the aesthetic enhancement of the body or re-shaping normal tissue to improve appearance.

In other words, aesthetic surgery is a sub-specialty of plastic surgery. Reconstructive surgery is often considered ‘medically necessary’ and may be covered by health insurance.

In conclusion, if you are considering any type of procedure it is prudent to be aware of the education and training of the surgeon you’re considering for your procedure.
